with everything you need to get your dream business off the ground

even if you're pressed for time in your day job 

or don't know where to start!

This program is full but if you want to talk about other opportunities to work with me or get on the waitlist, fill out the form here and schedule an appointment here:


Are you dreaming of leaving your soul-crushing or plainly boring 9-5 job for good? (But not without a good alternative, though!)

Do you want to create an international coaching business and lifestyle that you're obsessively in love with?

Make a difference in other people's lives and in the world?

Earn fabulous money by doing incredible, life-changing work that completely lights you up and exhilarates you every single day?

And if you are reading this, I have the hunch that

you are ready

to take your life to new heights!

Am I right?

Then this One-on-one Coaching and Mentoring Program is for you!

I designed this program to cover everything you need to get your dream business off the ground so that you can leave your 9-5 having set up a profitable and making money doing meaningful work

I'll be by your side every step of the way with personalized guidance, accountability, a proven strategy and result-driven step-by-step action plan completely tailored to you, your needs, your goals and dreams.

Right now you might feel like ...

london clock bus light ray through the clouds pink - dont settle, darling quote
  • You've done everything right! You've studied, you worked hard to get that prestigious job in marketing, sales, HR or management consulting ... but it doesn't feel right. 
  • Perhaps you've been climbing the corporate ladder successfully but after getting this promotion or project you've realized: this is not how I expected to feel! I expected to feel fulfilled and happy but all I'm feeling is exhausted and empty.
  • You know that you’re meant for so much more than a bloated corporate title and the cushy salary attached to it.
  • You're sick and tired of exhausting yourself in the daily commute craze, hoping for a miniscule bi-yearly vacation to escape life while enviously watching the instagram-perfect lifestyle of others.
  • You always felt it that you are also meant to do something big in this world, something amazing and extraordinary, something that has a greater impact on other people's lives, something that's inspiring.
  • You know you have something to offer to the world and maybe you started already trying it out on your own but you're not getting the response you wished for and you're struggling to earn enough to replace your corporate salary.
  • You're probably fed up of putting everything you have into your career, but not seeing the income and impact you desire.

I honestly get it!


I honestly get it. I've been at the exact same point in my life.

After being the first person in my family to receive a higher education, I was proud and excited about getting an entry-level job in Business Development & Sales. A position in my 20s that paid me a higher salary than my parents ever earned combined.

It didn't take long to see that this is not how I expected my life to turn out!

I felt bored, underwhelmed and exhausted at the same time. Like something sucked the life out of me. I couldn't really express myself, my creativity and even though my ideas were welcomed they weren't actually implemented!

I was slaving away at my desk working for the Porsche dreams of my boss (yes that's what he told me his dream was!).

I couldn't believe it: Is this how my life will be for the next 50 years?

I chose differently!

And that's why I also know for a fact that you have a choice. You can choose to accept 'good enough', or you can choose to create the life you really want.

Client Case Studies


Irina Pichura

Career & Mindset Coach

Founder of Career Manifestations

When Irina came to me for coaching, she didn't have her packages defined, no real following or her marketing strategy to attract clients online. She didn't even have clarity on her specific positioning to stand out from other career coaches out there. After working together, she nailed her messaging and what makes her so special and stand out from others in her field, she was finally able to attract her audience and not just creepy profiles from seemingly developing countries. She created an absolute standout personal brand that's nothing like others in her industry. And with my strategies, she has grown her Instagram from 0 to 10K+ real targeted audience! She's launched her e-course and Podcast now on the back of her Instagram community.


Missy M. Scott

Strengths & Career Coach

Missy came to me wanting to launch her coaching business but not exactly knowing where to start. She has been wanting to launch it already for 2 years. She basically started from scratch when we started coaching. In the time together, she launched her coaching business and her main packages, got her first client in less than 2 months, created a beautiful stand-out personal brand and online presence. And got even interview for podcasts and recognized at profession conference for her inspiring instagram account.


Eleni Chechopoulos

Nutritional Therapist
Founder of Keep Your Kefi

When Elini came to me, she was doubting herself a lot and feeling the 'imposter mean girls' hard. She was pushing the launch of her coaching business back for months waiting, feeling like she needs more education and more certifications before she can start selling her program. She made a huge shift in her first session, implemented the action plan we came up with and signed 3 clients directly after! With implementing my content and instagram strategy she is also seeing much bigger engagement and finally can see and experienced how to convert her follers into paying clients.


What if you could ...

  • Make great money simply by showing up doing what you love, sharing your message & being the inspiring woman you always knew you're meant to be?
  • Feel true meaning in your work making an enormous difference in the lives of others with your services, doing incredible, life-changing work that lights you up and exhilarates you every day?
  • Instead of hearing that nagging voice that tells you you’re meant for something bigger actually be on your way to something bigger?
  • Have total clarity and confidence in what you're meant to do, your market positioning, your message (even if you don’t know at the moment exactly what it is you’re meant to do - don’t worry I have exactly the right coaching tools for that)
  • Get out of overwhelm and learn simple and doable steps to making this dream biz happen and replace your salary while still in your day job?
  • Feeling confident in your message, value, marketing & selling abilities so that you can fully own your worth and charge premium prices that excite you?
  • Finally leaving your soul-sucking job with the peace of mind of knowing exactly where your next clients are coming from (you don't have to jump into a black hole and risk everything)
  • Work with clients you adore to pieces inspiring them to go for their dreams and reach beyond what they thought possible?
  • Looking back in awe about how much your life changed instead of making the same vague wish every single birthday (“I hope my life finally takes off this year”)
  • Fully express yourself through your business finally calling the shots on creative decisions and create something you can call your own?
  • Have your dream clients run for their credit cards to sign up for your premium services on a consistent basis, like clockwork?
  • Living the lifestyle you really desire with as much travel as you want, working from home, spending quality time with your family or friends, having profound impact on other people’s lives and just doing the things you love without ever have to say again: “I can’t afford it” or “Sorry, I have to work on that day”

I want to let you in on a little secret ...

All of this is possible for you, right now!

And I can help you with the strategy guidance and high-level coaching to get there.


Carly Richards

Success Coach for Mums in Business

"When we first started out coaching I was a hot mess due to personal issues which caused a lot of financial stress and pressure on our family. I felt like getting crushed by debt and if that’s not enough more and more new problems arrived. And I was totally stuck in business or should I call it an expensive hobby?

Irina helped me to get through this tough time and coached me on my mindset and wealth consciousness. By the end of our coaching, I felt much lighter, understood where I was playing a part and sabotaging myself in my finances and business. Whatever she did to my mindset I felt optimistic again and things started to come together like little miracles. I became excited and enthusiastic again about my business! And she lovingly challenged and coached me to constantly get out of my comfort zone! I launched my first program, did my first fb live challenge, wrote my first sales sequence and had my first webinar. I learned how to grow my email list by dozens of people for free within a short amount of time!

After our first month coaching, I sold 3 of my coaching spots, signed up over 100 new email subscribers in only 48h and many more after which increased my list by 400% in total. I think she’s an amazing coach for young entrepreneurs who want to build their dream business in coaching or consulting. She can be uplifting, motivating and encouraging but she also calls you out on you BS! It’s was exactly the right mix for my success! Definitely, sign up for the call with her!"


Rachel Reva

Career and Success Coach

"I cannot recommend Irina highly enough. I was building my business alongside a full-on demanding 9-5 in media and public relations.I was so tired from the job, the commute, and frustrated that I wasn't making the progress I wanted to. At the same time, I wasn’t focusing my energy and time on the important things because I was pulled in different directions by all the at time contradicting information thats out there. I was trying to ‘figure it all out” on my own. That was so confusing and overwhelming. And I finally realized that with the little time that I had available, I needed support from someone who knew how to piece it all together and can help me to take more effective action to move forward in the time that’s available to me.

In our intensive, Irina made me get super clear on what would work best for my needs and my business. She has this gift breaking down complicated topics like the sales funnel and make it so simple and understandable. I walked away from our time together with a clear strategy on how to build my tribe, set up a marketing funnel and book calls so that I could book clients and replace my salary as quickly as possible. I could implement the steps immediately because Irina gave me the 'how-to-do-it’ effectively and the confidence to get it done.

Irina will deliver exactly what you need for where you are at in your business(and so much more), and save you time and energy you would have spent trying to puzzle it together! But she is also such an inspiring, uplifting coach who gives you the tough love that you need when you need that. After our intensive, I felt so much lighter like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I could immediately implement the strategy that we developed for me. Now I resigned from my job and I’m working with multiple amazing clients that are totally my ideal clients. If you are on the fence, I can truly say: this is one of the best investments I have ever made.” Rachel Reva, Career and Success Coach, Life of Her Terms


Christy Venza

Leadership & Lifestyle Coach

"I was feeling stuck and resistant to taking action in my business and Irina helped me find the clarity and focus I needed to identify my next steps and move forward feeling empowered. Specifically, Through working with Irina I was able to become clear on my target market and become more visible in the world of my ideal client. This was just the momentum I needed. Thank you so much!!"

Here's a glimpse of what we'll cover during our 6-months Mentorship Program together ...

(This mentorship is very personalized and custom to your specific needs and where you are at this point!)

Defining your 9-5 Exit Strategy

Get clear direction with this fail-safe exit plan on leaving your day job, reaching your income goal and replacing your current salary

Break free of the negative thoughts that have held you back

Learn to protect your energy from toxic environments and people

Declutter habits, relationships, beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the woman you want to become

Clarity on your idea, positioning & massaging

Get clear on how to blend your passions, skills and experiences into a viable service & make money from inspiring and changing other people's lives

Identify who your dream clients are and how you can best serve them

Discover my process to validate your market research to figure out what your target audience will really pay for (aka create a business vs a hobby)

Fine tune your meassage and uncover your authentic voice so you can communicate fluently and clearly with your ideal client (we'll craft your message and identify your 'WHY' so you stand out online and attract clients with ease)

Marketing that gains momentum

Grow a tribe of engaged soulmate followers on Facebook, Instagram and your list 

Create an engaged and thriving community of ideal clients that are hungry for your content and willing to open their wallet for you

Develop an effective and easy to follow marketing & social media plan that supports you in being consistent, expands your reach and generates leads of potential buyer

Learn to create lead magnets that attract your ideal clients into your funnels and create a marketing funnel building a relationship with your followers so that they anna more of you and happily give you their money for your value

Learn my secrets to consistent online list-building for FREE and simple automated ways to always have potential clients joining your list

Set up powerful Facebook Ads campaign and leverage them for booking cals like clockwork 

Becoming the CEO of you time

Master the secrets to productivity, systems and structures that protect your freedom like the successful CEO that you are

Delegate like a professional and effectively manage your time (even with a small budget)

Create a morning routine & evening routines that set you up daily for being productive, successful and joyful

Discover how to build your wildly successful business alongside a demanding day job without losing your sanity or give up on life completely!

Creating irresistible premium packages

Create irresistable packages that spotlight your value and make you and your clients fall in love with them, getting you raving reviews and testimonials

Discover how to package & price your services in a way that maximizes the transformative experience for your clients leveraging your time at best and is aligned with your values

Become utterly confident in your abilities and your offering to charge high-end prices that your clients are more than happy to pay for

Discover how to raise your rates feeling good about it and even helping your clients with it

Authentic Selling for more Yesses

Discover how you can make sure to attract only ideal clients that are willing to pay you for your transformative service to your sales calls, avoiding freebie hunters, tire kickers and other time wasters

Learn to structure your sales call in a way that positions you as an expert while guiding your potential client through the conversation in a genuine and effortlessly flowing way

Discover how to design questions that guide your client through the decision making process turning their fears and hesitations into reasons why they can't afford not to work with you

Uncover the real reasons for your clients objections and learn to dissipate them in a way that serves your potential clients and helps them to make a potentially life-changing decision

My "Dream Life Initiation Pack" before we even begin our coaching session (created to initiate your transformation into this woman and business owner that lives her definition of dream life)

 12 bi-weekly sessions personalized coaching sessions a 60 minutes (via zoom) over the course of 6 months 

As part of your private coaching package, you'll receive resources, workbooks, video modules and PDF guides to support the shifts in your business and life

Priority email access and voice messaging support with regular check-ins during the week, with motivational messages, mindset adjustments if you feel like sh*t hit the fan or in case you get stuck

Recordings of all sessions so you can refer back to all the juicy information at your leisure

Programm is FULL

Get on the Waitlist and fill out application here:

Schedule your no pressure 30-minute discovery call now to be considered for the bonus:

What you need to know ...



If you really want to build a successful business here's what you need to know:

First of all, unlearn the corporate way of thinking! Perfectionism, working long hours while not knowing what you actually worked on or accomplished that day and having all ducks in a row before taking action gonna leave you struggling. I know this from my own experience and from working with my clients who are amazing women but it's not always easy to transform what corporate structure and society molded you into! And this is why coaching is so powerful because it enables you to break free from mental chains and to grow into the person you've might not been able to imagine.

Let go of the amateur mindset of trying to do it all on your own and adopt the mindset of a business owner. All successful entrepreneurs hire experts for different areas in their business and had mentors and coaches that helped them on their journey: from Sarah Blakely to Richard Branson to Oprah. I know the power of coaching from a coach and coachee perspective. I also know what it was like when I was too proud to look for support! I struggled for more than two years. I didn't fully commit to my success! Don't make the same mistake as I did!

So if you want others to invest in you and your services you need to start investing in yourself! Or would you hire somebody who isn't committed to their growth?

Schedule your no pressure 30-minute clarity session here:

How does coaching with Irina work?

1. You click on the button to schedule a free 30-minute Clarity Call with moi.

2. We'll chat about where you are right now, your business idea (if you got one already) and how you can get to the life and business you want.

3. On the call, we'll mutually discover and decide if we are are a good fit to work together.

4. You will feel amazing investing in your life-changing coaching package and I'll provide you with the agreement and a personalized "Dream Life Initiation Pack" filled with powerful questions and exercises to get you started.

5. We'll celebrate the amazing step you made towards achieving your desires and schedule your first coaching appointment. Most likely you'll feel unstoppable afterward!

6. During our meetings we will set your intentions and goals, you will be provided guidance and assignments to help you reach your goals and overcome any barriers technical, mindset or strategic! We will celebrate all of your amazing growth and success!


Maxine Nwaneri

Lifestyle & Success Coach

"Prior to my session with Irina, I was struggling to really nail who my ideal client is and how to ensure that my messaging, and packages resonate with her. Irina was clearly very knowledgeable and very focused on my agenda throughout our intensive. I gained an incredible amount of clarity on my ideal client and my packages and left feeling excited and clear on what to do to move forward and ensure the success in my business! Thank you, Irina! This was exactly what I need!"


Meliza Sim

Mindset & Career Coach for High-performance Professionals

"As a new mindset and career coach, I struggled with attracting the right clients to me. The few people that I attracted didn’t have the money or didn’t take my coaching seriously. I was really stuck and didn’t know what I was doing wrong. Is it because I’m not good enough at sales conversations or because the wrong people were signing up?

I like about Irina's coaching style that she’s very warm-hearted and uplifting but at the same time she wasn't wasting any time in getting to the bottom of the issue! She knew exactly what to look for in my marketing process and was laser sharp identifying the issue why I wasn’t attracting the right people. I love that she’s so motivating but also practical and methodical at the same time.

We found out that it was my messaging and copy that attracted the wrong type of person. She helped me tweak my messaging and copy and voila, the next day already, I attracted exactly my ideal client who signed up for a sales call with me after seeing my facebook ad!

Irina is God sent. It is a huge breakthrough for me in my new coaching business. I am so thankful! She is worth her weight in Gold!!!"


Kathy Haan

Business Coach

"Irina is an incredibly dynamic and inspiring coach. Before working with her, I was totally nervous and anxious about a sales call that was coming up. She really helped me work through the fear of selling by re-framing my beliefs around it. She also shared with me her way of structuring sales calls so that I feel supported by the structure but still authentically me and help my client come to the best decision for them. And on top she showed me how to highlight the value of my packages to clients when presenting them my offer, so that it doesn’t feel awkward anymore when it gets to the actual nuts and bolts of sharing how I work with my clients. By handling sales calls this way, my packages and programs really sell themselves!

In the 90 minutes I spent with her, I've gained so much more confidence and clarity - I feel like I'm ready to take on the world! And if that wouldn’t be enough she shared with me her favorite way to book dozens of sales calls per week! I am so excited for my next sales calls and I loved her invaluable advice, insight, and resources! If you are looking for somebody to help you with booking and converting sales calls for your 1-on-1 packages, definitely get on the phone with her!"

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